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A portion of our proceeds are donated to local New York City pet rescues and shelters.

Manhattan Puppies & Kittens

Manhattan Puppies specializes in handling beautiful puppies and kittens and helping our clients choose the most suitable puppy or kitten for their home, family and lifestyle.

Maltese Tiny Puppy

Our Upper West Side facility in Manhattan is immaculate. We are devoted to our puppies and kittens and we treat each and every one as if they were going to be ours for life. Because of our dedication to our babies,  you can be confident that you will go home with a beautiful puppy or kitten that is right for you.

Puppies For Sale – We specialize in tiny, small, medium, large and hypoallergenic designer and purebred puppies for sale.

Kittens For Sale – We specialize in longhaired, shorthaired and hypoallergenic exotic, designer and purebred kittens for sale.

The best part about getting your pet from us is that we pride ourselves on our vast knowledge and experience of training and housebreaking. What this means is that as you follow our well guided instruction, your puppy or kitten should acclimate to his/her new home effortlessly.

We welcome you to walk in anytime during our visiting hours to choose a new furry addition to your family.


Due to the passage of the General Business Law banning the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits at retail pet stores in New York state,  we are unable to sell dogs, cats or rabbits and cannot even offer them for sale at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.