Small Breeds

Puggles are a cross between Pugs and Beagles. They have become quite a popular puppy due to their adorable features and

According to legend, the Rat Terrier got his name from Theodore Roosevelt. These dogs were brought into the

American Eskimos are as lively and fun as they are beautiful. Their full, thick coat makes them striking to….

Beagles are an all around wonderful breed for families. They are funny, smart, sweet and easy to care for…

Bichon puppies are known for their beautiful, lustrous, white coat. However, we admire the Bichon not only …..

Boston Terriers will bring joy to any family. They are the silly class clown with an expressive face and charming……

Havanese puppies are a beautiful, unique breed in the Bichon family. They are affectionate, charismatic and….

Jack Russell puppies are smart, high-energy dogs with tons of personality. Being highly intelligent makes them…..

Mini Schnauzers are a hearty breed with a sharp mind. They are quick learners and loyal companions…..

Pekingese puppies are sweet and kind. They are lap dogs that are always eager to please their owners……..

Pugs are charming, animated and comical. With their wrinkled face and large puppy-dog eyes, they have endless…..

Shelties are the miniature version of Lassie, with their big thick coats and shrewd intelligence. Although…..

Shiba Inu are a unique and highly intelligent breed of Chinese decent. Their beautiful fox-like looks along with….